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home thoughts

these pages are your opportunity of telling it as it was...or is..
the satori group welcomes written contribitions from those that have a
Michale Alig or Club Kids tale to tell...
please send thopse special moments to :


Thank you to Nicodemus of Men Smash Atoms  for this tale of NYC ..........

"Well, whatever you do - I want you to do it here!"
Nicodemus of Men Smash Atoms on meeting Michael Alig.

 I first met Michael Alig at 'Disco 2000' in 1993, he came up to my partner
 Anitra and I and introduced
 himself as the promoter of this fabulous night and asked who we were, so we
 talked about our music and mentioned that we had just returned from a
 European tour. He was wearing a diaper and sucking a 'pacifier' and told us
 "Well, whatever you do, I want you to do it here!". Of course, we liked him
 immediately and
 Men Smash Atoms successfully performed at the next 'King and Queen of New
 York' event at Limelight.

 We were subsequently invited to a lot of Alig's events, they were always
 most inspired and provocative, including outlaw parties where a hundred
 exotically attired maniacs would descend dancing on a subway platform, a
full bar
erected at one end, lasting only until the cops busted it 20 minutes later.
Or tearing around NYC in an open top double-decker bus performing X-rated
and gatecrashing all the pretentious hotspots (while Armani suited Japanese
businessmen waved their credit cards outside in frustration).

 Surrounded by all this 'theatrical' action and with experience in
 and a desire to see my mug on the teevee, I created the Saturday night
 show 'Krash Boom TV.' With an audience of half a million people and the
catchy and totally
appropriate advertising slogan 'Your Satellite Dish to the Future,'
Anitra and I had a lot of fun hosting KBTV and it also proved to be a superb
showcase for our 'Men Smash Atoms' music and videos.

 I presented 10 minutes of the best club related events at the beginning of
each 1/2 program (from Limelight, Tunnel, Club USA and numerous other
locations) with 'openings', 'outlaw' and 'theme' parties, mostly featuring
Alig, Desi Monster, Kabuki, Astro Earl, Olympia, Richie Rich, Angel, Sofia,
Walt Paper, Kenny Kenny and dozens of others, some unrecognizable under the
fabulous make-up and costumes. At celebrity dinners and publicity events I
gladly filmed Grace Jones or Quentin Crisp and other cool creative people
but refused to turn the camera on for a politician or 'businessman,' no
matter how (in)famous
 they were.
I regularly covered Larry Tee's often chaotic and always enjoyable 'Disco
2000'  audience participation 'strip' contests,
Sunday night's splendid 'Bump' at USA, 'Make Up' at Webster Hall, the 'King
and Queen of New York' events and the amazing 'Night of A Thousand Parties',
filming every variation of cross-gender exotica from the 5 boroughs inside
an Alig supplied cardboard TV, not the Wall of Monitors that we
requested...ha  ha...and it totally worked! For KBTV broadcasts, the club
events were supplemented by interviews (club kids sounding very existential,
dubbed with a German accent and quoting Neitzsche) live performances,
installations and rare videos by NY artists and musicians, some very
raunchy and authentic S&M 'play' and philosophical 'wordup' which included
quotes from Kant, Heideggar or whoever I fancied that week.

 Always good for a laugh, Michael would sometimes have a minion call to
invite us to events with the phony catch-cry 'Madonna's dancers will be
there.'  > When Jose and Louis eventually did have a record release party I
didn't go when I heard they were 'Madonna's dancers'. Turned out to be two
very cool guys who did an amazing KBTV promo bit for me.

After working nonstop for several years on many varied projects,  Anitra and
I headed for the warmer climate of South Beach to relax and edit my
psuedo-Elizabethan film noir 'Rotten In Denmark,' (filmed at the Tunnel club
and featuring
many New York club kids) so we weren't around for the bad stuff.

 Alig generated a lot of creative over-the-top energy which pulled everybody
into his force of gravity.
  His kind of charisma can't be duplicated and we loved being part of his

Nicodemus - NOVEMBER 2002

See more info on Nicodemus and Men Smash Atoms at www.mensmashatoms.com
