Michael Alig and The Club Kids – Michael Fazarkerley
the satori group – Chris Goddard
Linda and Ian Bates
5c - 44 - 1234 404040
diolch yn fawr
joanne and morgan, the welsh posse, fenton bailey, michael fazakerley,
tina paul, marc bolan, tommie and dave, linda and ian (truly talented
designers), the montreal jones', the lamberts and the harrisons, michael
alig, new york, mary, of course...
Thanks to all my family for their love and support. Love to Lou for
standing by me. Big shout to all my boys, you know who you are (long
live the HERD)> Shout goes out to the Warlocks (the league is ours).
Finally thanks to David for the opportunity. PEACE!!!
Tommie (THE WEAVER)_
It's been a long road...love to Maria and Charlotte for the love. To
the Bedford Crew. To the GUITAR...silently weeping...