ALIGULA is the Michael Alig story.
Michael Alig is currently re-drafting the book for
publication.He has generously given BLUEPRINT an early draft of
the minutes leading up to his and Freeze's sentencing
They had awakened me for court at 4.30
this morning and had taken me to the first holding pen of the day, the one
at Riker's Island. I had waited there for nearly five hours in the
overcrowded space, the floor littered with stale and smelly remnants of
last night's sandwiches of bologna and government cheese. The five hours wait wasn't unusual. I would be 16 hours I'd be
in bed in my dorm at the C-95 building, and about fifteen of those would
be spent in one cage or another, all of them pretty much like this one.
The old-timers and career criminals called it 'Bull-Pen Therapy' because
after eight or ten hours under conditions like these, you were in no shape
for court. You walked in broken and beaten, exactly the way a guilty man
should look. They had finally
called my name around 9.30 am, and then I had gotten shackled and put onto
a rickety old school bus which had brought me here to 100 Center Street,
NYC's Criminal Court Building.
After a few hours in a large pen at the
courthouse, I was taken to a small one just outside the courtroom where
Freeze was sitting alone, smoking a cigarette, It was 12.30, this was our
last day before sentencing, and afterwards we would turn around and do it
all over again in reverse.
I hadn't seen Freeze in a while. At our arraignment, the judge had
slapped a separation order on us, and we were being housed in separate
buildings on the island. He looked so different without his makeup, and
the bleach blond had been cut out of his naturally red hair. But when he
took a drag of his cigarette in that bored and slightly imperious manner,
I saw that it was the same old Freez.
"What building are you in?' I
"N.I.C., it's the one for
high-profile cases. I'm surprised you're not there.'
'It must be that separation thingie.
I'm in C-95.'
'Oh, I was in C-95 for the first three
months, when I was detoxing.'
Just then I heard the unmistakable
clang of a heavy gate closing somewhere in the labyrinth of the corridors
which led to the pen area we occupied. Shortly, the sound of approaching
footsteps and the jingle of keys drew our attention to the gate at our
left. The gate opened and a guard led a young, tough-looking Puerto Rican
in the pen adjacent to us. He didn't even look our way as the guard locked
up and disappeared into the labyrinth.
'Oh! Detoxing!' I wailed, 'That was
'I know, but at least they didn't cut
off the methadone all at once.'
'Yo!' Hollered the young Puerto Rican,
'Lemme get a bone!'
'I don't smoke,' I told him, feeling
for the first time a little sorry that I didn't. He was so cute!
'I do!' chimed Freeze, eagerly, fishing
in his pocket.
Freeze got out a cigarette and was
about to toss it over.
'Wait!' I said, grabbing Freeze's arm,
'What do WE get out of this?'
I looked through the bars at the
adorable little thug.
'Hey!' he began, pointing at us, '
Ain't you those club kids? The ones I saw on TV who killed that guy
Yes, I'm Michael Alig. Now what do we
get if we give you one of our last cigarettes?'
'What do you want?' he asked, grinning
'Show us your dick.'
'Get outta here!' he laughed.
'Fine. C'mon Freeze. Let's sit over
I walked to the back of the pen and
took out a deck of cards. Freeze followed and we sat facing each other,
pointedly ignoring the Puerto Rican.
"Hey, yo! I used to go to Disco
2000 every Wednesday…'
We didn't answer.
'Yo! One time I bought coke from that
nigger Angel. His shit was whack yo!'
'Listen, could you please be quiet?
Freeze and I are trying to play Gin.'
"My bad, yo.'
'But Freez smokes a lot when he plays
Gin,' I sing-songed, 'so if you want a cigarette…well…'
He didn't answer, but out of the corner
of my eye I saw him fumbling with his belt.
'This what you wanna see?'
I looked over and he had his dick out.
It was long and uncut.
'Get it hard,' said Freeze helpfully as
we got up and approached the bars.
'Yeah Blancitas, you wanna see it hard?
He asked lewdly, stroking it.
He put on a fabulous show, jerking off and talking dirty until he
came, thick gobs which shot though the bars and splattered onto the floor
in the space between our pens. And just in the nick of time, too!
We heard the key being inserted into
the door and on our right before it opened, and then a white-shirted
courtroom officer stepped though yelling, ' They're ready for you!'
He led us out of the pen, and as we
walked through the short hallway, watching where we stepped, Freeze tossed
a cigarette to our friend. After all, a deal's a deal.
The courtroom looked just like any
other - lots of dark stately wood, rows of church pews. You seen one, you
seen 'em all. Freeze and I had pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the first
degree back in September. Today was October 1, 1997, the date we were to
be sentenced.
Freez went first, and before the judge
imposed the sentence, he asked Freez if he had anything to say to the
court. I nearly choked when Freeze got up and gave a long, prepared, and
genuinely heartfelt speech. I had nothing! I wasn't prepared to give a
speech! My lawyer had assured me that we would be postponing the
sentencing, but the judge had refused the motion! This was all happening
too fact! It was almost my turn and I had nothing!
'Now then,' the judge was saying to
Freeze, 'I impose a sentence of 10 - 20 years incarceration…'
Freeze was done and now the judge asked
me to stand and address the court if I so desired. I got up and tried to
explain how I wasn’t ready because my lawyer had told me we wouldn't be
doing the sentencing today. I said how bad I felt. I DID feel bad. I felt
awful, but the more I talked, the worse things got. The judge was not
amused. He embarked on quite a speech of his own, and, looking back at the
crowd of reporters, I wondered if he hadn't done a little preparing
'Mr. Alig,' he began, taking a deep
breath,'…Angel Melendez is the victim…and he is the victim of your
selfish, uncontrolled ego that has yet to be harnessed, that has yet to
face reality.'
'Mr. Alig, you are sentenced to 10 to
20 years. For you, the show is over. THE PARTY IS OVER!'
